The Military Union is a dedicated team set up to deliver the very best financial services products, advice and cover to military and ex-military personnel.

We’re a team that combines 100’s of years of Insurance experience with an advisory board of military and ex-military personnel to ensure that we always get you properly covered.

Obtaining financial services, advice and cover should be a straightforward process, and with The Military Union we make sure it is, offering cover that is jargon free, competitively priced and above all suited to your needs.


Our Kit Cover is split into four categories depending on your needs and living arrangements. The level of cover will vary depending on your selection, the cost of cover and cover limits are detailed below:

Kit Only Cover

Provides cover for your Military Kit, ideal for those who have existing home insurance, also suitable for reservists.

Military Kit cover - £15,000
Service uniforms - £5,000

COVER FROM £6.25 per month
Basic Kit Cover

A combination of Military Kit and Personal Possession cover, this is our entry level of cover. Providing members with a comprehensive suite of covers plus The Military Union's unique Holiday Cancellation protection.

Military Kit cover - £15,000
Service uniforms - £5,000
Personal possessions - £5,000
   o Single item limit - £1,000
Contents (of your room) - £2,500
   o Single item limit - £1,000
Laptop - £750
Mobile phone - £750
Money (Cash) - £350
Medals - £500
Pedal Cycles - £250
Damage to living quarters - £10,000
Holiday cancellation - £500

COVER FROM £7.50 per month
Regular Kit Cover

Builds on the Basic cover whilst providing members with higher limits of cover

Military Kit cover - £20,000
Service uniforms - £7,500
Personal possessions - £10,000
   o Single item limit £1,500
Contents (of your room) - £5,000
   o Single item limit £1,500
Laptop - £1,000
Mobile phone - £1,000
Money (Cash) - £500
Medals - £750
Pedal Cycles - £750
Damage to living quarters - £15,000
Holiday cancellation - £1,000

COVER FROM £12.50 per month
Enhanced Kit Cover

Our highest level of cover with enhanced limits of cover intended for long standing service personal

Military Kit cover - £25,000
Service uniforms - £10,000
Personal possessions - £15,000
   o Single item limit £1,500
Contents (of your room) - £10,000
   o Single item limit £1,500
Laptop - £1,500
Mobile phone - £1,250
Money (Cash) - £750
Medals - £1,000
Pedal Cycles - £1,250
Damage to living quarters - £20,000
Holiday cancellation - £1.500

COVER FROM £17.50 per month

Kit Cover is provided by The Military Family Mutual, a discretionary mutual that is owned by its members and our chosen partner.

Start your application here:

What does The Military Union Kit cover include:?

Sections and limits are detailed within the "Summary of Cover" document which can be found on the bottom of this page.

Please note that your cover and excesses are dependant on the level of cover offered by The Military Union and selected by you.

Members are advised to read the cover wording and schedule to ensure that it meets their own needs.

The Military Union does not provide cover advice or assess client (member) needs.
What excess is applicable to the Kit cover?
All cover excesses are detailed within the "Summary of Cover" document and "Cover Wording" document both of which can be found on the bottom of this page.

Please note that your cover and excesses are dependant on the level of cover offered by The Military Union and selected by you.

Members are advised to read the cover wording and schedule to ensure that it meets their own needs.

The Military Union does not provide cover advice or assess client (member) needs.
How do I make a claim?
The claims process is detailed within the Cover Wording which can be found on the bottom of this page
Are members of my household or family included within my Kit cover?
The Military Union Kit cover is only in respect of the individual named in the cover schedule.

Kit cover does not cover any losses relating to your children, members of a household or members of your family
I am planning on redeploying to a new location and I need cover for my contents during the move.
The Military Union does not offer cover for contents whilst in transit to new applicants or to applicants who are aware of an impending need for transit cover.

The Military Union does not offer any overseas or cargo type covers.

Please note that existing members with an existing Kit cover (with The Military Union) that has been live for more than 3 months may benefit from cover for contents whilst in transit however cover is subject to the schedule, wordings, terms and conditions.

Note: Cover is strictly subject to the terms and conditions shown in the cover wording Cover may only respond where: - The member has had a live cover in place with The Military Union for more than 3 months prior to the move - The member was unaware of their move prior to purchasing the cover
I am planning on going on holiday can I take out holiday cancellation cover.
The Military Union does not offer holiday cancellation cover to applicants who have booked or are in the process of booking a holiday or plan to book a holiday within the next 6 months.

Existing members who have an existing cover in place with The Military Union and where the schedule shows Holiday Cancellation cover as active and also where the cover has been in place for more than 3 months may strictly subject to the terms and conditions benefit from Holiday Cancellation cover.

Note: Cover is strictly subject to the terms and conditions shown in the cover wording Cover may only respond where: The member has a live cover in place with The Military Union for more than 3 months The cover was in place prior to the holiday being booked
I have a high value item (jewellery / watch etc.) where the replacement value of the item / items is greater than the Kit cover provides, can I add this item to my cover.
The Military Union does not provide cover for specified items or cover of any items with a value greater than that shown within the cover wording and schedule. Any item with a limit higher than the cover limit are excluded. Items which meet the cover description and have a replacement value below that shown in the cover limit would not need to declare however you must ensure that you can prove ownership and you must retain proof of purchase.

Please note that Kit cover is not intended for and does not provide cover for high value items other than the items described within the cover wording and schedule. If you require cover for items with a value greater than those provided by the cover wording and schedule then you should seek alternative cover, you should also seek professional insurance advice from an insurance broker.

The Military Union recommends that you keep photographic records and retain proof of purchase receipts for all high value items and all items with a replacement value of more than £250 so as to ensure that you are able to demonstrate ownership and authenticity which will likely be required in the event of a loss.
Can The Military Union provide a quotation for Travel insurance; Contents insurance; Car / Motor insurance?
We intend to widen our product base so that we can provide more products in the future. Where possible we will keep members informed of new products and we will include details via the website asap.